It’s June 30 (2007) as I write this – where did the month of June go? For that matter, where have the last three years gone? July 1 marks the three year anniversary of when Gary officially began as pastor at Chandler Reformed Church. I can hardly believe we’ve been here three years already, and as I look at my kids it’s scary to see how much they’ve grown.
Dylan was only four when we moved here – seems like only yesterday when he wandered down to the post office and stood smiling at the postmaster. He wouldn’t answer her questions and hardly anyone knew him yet. Finally they tracked me down at the grocery store and asked, “Is this little guy yours?” Imagine my surprise since I thought he was safe at home with Gary and the other kids! He’s managed to make it to the age of seven without getting lost again.
Blake turned seven the day we moved from Holland, MI. Now he’s much, much taller and has grown so much in other ways, too, over the last three years. Ten is a fun age!
Allison was ten when we arrived in Chandler. Now she’s a teenager, full of fun and joy, questions and opinions.
Erin was eleven three years ago. Now she’s a mature fourteen, looking forward to getting her drivers permit when she turns fifteen in the fall. Looking at her has probably shocked me the most lately. Where have those fourteen years gone? The kids get out old home videos once in a while and I can hardly believe she was the little tike I see charming the camera for hours and hours (you know how it is with the first born). As I look to the future it hardly seems possible that we only have about four years left with her before she goes off to college or whatever God has planned for her!
I know some of you reading this have little children and you think those kids will never get out of diapers, never have a meaningful conversation, never be responsible adults. You can only see the messes, the chaos, the frustrations of life at this stage. Let me just remind you that “time flies when you’re having fun” and it seems to go by quickly even when life isn’t so great.
Events I write down months ahead of time on the calendar seem to arrive with lightning speed. Due dates that seemed so far away are suddenly upon me (or past sometimes), leaving me scrambling to mail in that bill payment or get in that reservation…or pay the overdue fines at the library.
I guess I’ve been thinking about time quite a bit lately because I’m trying to figure out what my priorities should be. Sometimes I’m busy doing lots of good things, but I’ve been sensing that God is saying, “That’s not what I’ve called you to do.” I wish it could be crystal clear and I would know without a doubt what God wants me to be doing. Instead, I find myself with countless opportunities for both leisure activities and service in my church and community.
I’ve been telling people that I want to pray about my priorities this summer and figure out what God wants me to do, but I have to admit that the summer is flying by and I have spent very little time in conversation with the Lord. I’ve been thinking about all of the activities I could be involved in, but I need to start actually asking God where He wants me serving Him.
I recently read Joanna Weaver’s excellent book, “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World”. It has given me many ideas that are helping me as I figure out exactly how I should be using my time and what God wants from me. Basically, He want my heart. He wants my love and devotion. Sometimes I will be busy serving Him in the “kitchen” but my heart needs to still be focused on Him. At other times I will sit at His feet in the “living room”, soaking in the things He wants to teach me.
As I close this month, I just want to remind myself, and everyone reading, that time will continue to pass – and it won’t slow down or stop just because we’d like it to. It’s important to not waste time on things that we’ll regret in the future. We’ll find fulfillment in life when we spend most of our time on things that get us closer to our goals, on activities that bring us closer to our families and friends, on things that enrich our relationship with God and draw us closer to Him.
May we all spend a lot more time this summer talking to the Lord, asking Him to show us where we are wasting time and what activities He wants us to participate in as we look forward to the Fall schedule.
Psalm 31:14-15a says, “But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands;….”
We may still say, “Where does the time go?” but hopefully we’ll be able to look back and see that it went into very worthwhile relationships and activities.
© Robyn Mulder 2007,